Give Help

Donate food

Our foodbank relies on your goodwill and support.

At the moment we are accepting food donations in the following items:


Long life milk

Long life juice



Tinned soup

Tinned vegetables


We are also accepting donations of money which we can buy food with. This is to help us manage our stock and ensure we are able to give everyone referred to us a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food.

Donate money to Islington Foodbank here.


We have collection boxes in the following local supermarkets, but for now donations left in these will continue to go to the Pilion Trust as they have been since March 2020. Donations left in these boxes should be purchased from the shop, not brought from home.


We are currently accepting walk-in donations to our centre at Highbury Roundhouse on a Saturday afternoon from 13:00-16:00.


Please contact us if you have any questions about donating food.

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